What You Should Understand About Constant Disconnecting Of MTN Simple Server Browsing Tweak On PC

If you have been experiencing constant disconnect lately on your desktop while making use of MTN BBLITE and Simple Server or Xt-181 portable proxy tweak, you should know that you are not alone as every other person using this same tweak is also experiencing something similar.

You might have also noticed that the constant disconnect happens mostly when you are downloading files from the internet but when you are just surfing around, it appear more stable, though it also disconnect once in a while but definitely not as often as when you are carrying out on-going downloads.

Now, the major culprit or major cause of this disconnect is not only when the network connectivity is poor but anytime that a download action is initiated that is when you will start witnessing the incessant disconnect.

And again the cause of the occasional disconnect that you witness when you are just surfing around and when it appears that you have not initiated any physical or visible file download is also connected to some minor background downloads like the background updating of your Anti-virus and some other updates that you might have activated unknowingly.

Currently, on whether there is any direct or permanent solution of preventing the frequent disconnect issue, I will tell you that the answer is no, but there is some little work around we can give you to ameliorate the effect of the incessant disconnects.

Though most time at night, the disconnect is not as frequent as you will have in the day time during downloads.

Here are some steps you can be taking for now to help you cushion the effect of the constant disconnect;

·     If you know you want to do your heavy downloads with the MTN BBLITE and Simple Server or Xt-181 tweak, you should endeavour to use browsers like UCbrowser for web, which apart from being the fastest in downloading, it will also resume your downloads from where it stops when you reconnect after any interval of disconnect.

·     Secondly, you can set up the tweak on your android device using simple server apk or psiphon and then use the phone to carry out most of your download anytime of the day, after which you can then transfer the downloaded files to your PC. Unlike the tweak on your desktop, using it on android phone, it appears very stable and does not disconnect when downloading.

·     While you do most of your browsing in the day time, you can also consider to shift most of your major downloads towards the night time when the network appears more stable and that the disconnect is lesser.

Following these methods above as you can see does not provide permanent solution, but gives you some form of succour or relieve in dealing with the incessant disconnects that started happening recently on the use of MTN BBLITE and Simple Server or Xt-181 tweak for cheapest browsing on PC.

What You Should Understand About Constant Disconnecting Of MTN Simple Server Browsing Tweak On PC What You Should Understand About Constant Disconnecting Of MTN Simple Server Browsing Tweak On PC Reviewed by Edwin Akwudolu on 7:19:00 PM Rating: 5


  1. Mr Edwin even on phone the network is never steady with psiphon..

    1. Hi David,

      I totally disagree with you or maybe there is network problem on your location.

      Psiphon is very stable down here. The only thing with Psiphon is if you leave your phone to sleep for long, then awakening to continue your browsing sometimes get the network frozen and in this case, all you just need to do is to switch off data and switch it on back as a form of refreshing the network.

      Aside that, Psiphon is very stable down here, and the moment you start downloading with it then that is it, you will hardly witness anything like disconnect.

      I download steady with Psiphon and it is very stable


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