5 Types of Bloggers in the Blogosphere

Yes you heard me right; there are basically only 5 types of bloggers that we have in the blogosphere today and if you are yet to know that then read on.

Here are the 5 types or categories of bloggers in the blogosphere;

1.    Newbie bloggers

Off course all other types of bloggers once fall into this category and these types of bloggers will definitely end up being any of the remaining type of bloggers that we will be listing.
The Newbie bloggers are the fresh bloggers and they are called beginners because they are new and we often refer to them as new babies in blogging.

The motives behind these categories of bloggers are still very unstable because of some of them just hopped into blogging only because of what they hear about blogging.

One of the major things that these types of bloggers lack is traffic to their blogs, because their blogs are still new and everything is just still starting out for them.
They may end up quitting or going ahead to become one of the other types of bloggers.

2.    Copy and Paste Bloggers

These categories of bloggers are the types that think they can easily succeed in the blogosphere by feasting on other peoples work and posing as if it is theirs.
They are the lazy types of bloggers and Plagiarism is their watchword.

These types of bloggers don’t usually last in the blogosphere because there is absolutely no food for lazy man.

3.    Un-Techy Bloggers

We are not calling these types of bloggers un-techy because they are not into tech related niches but we are referring to them as un-techy because in the real sense thay are actually un-techy.

These are categories of bloggers that know nothing else in blogging apart from content creation.

Some of them are wonderful content writers but tell them to design their own blog by themselves then you will understand why we refer to them as un-techy.

They tend to hand their blog design and other technical aspect of their blog to a third party techy fellow while theirs is just to create and post the content.

Sometimes even to generate and implement an Adsesnse code to their blog becomes a thug of war.

4.  Determined to succeed bloggers

By their names, you already know these categories of bloggers. They are bloggers that do everything possible to succeed in the blogosphere.

They want to become expert bloggers tomorrow and therefore you see them learning and wanting to know anything related to blogging. Most of them are very patient.

When you talk about coding, they are interested to learn; come down to their blog design, they want to learn and design their blogs themselves.

And yes “Determination today leads to success tomorrow”

5.    Pro bloggers

Haha – these categories of bloggers are indeed expert bloggers and they know virtually everything related to blogging.

The A – Z of blogging is both in their head and on their palms. These types of bloggers most times have been blogging right from Adam and Experience is their own watchword.

They make killing earnings with blogging and most of them can easily serve as blogging mentors to the newbie bloggers.

Come to the design of blogs, they are in; talk about content creation, they are expert writers; come down to coding, they can code, un-code and even decode a blog…lol.

Finally and now that you have seen the 5 categories of bloggers in the blogosphere, which of the categories to you belong or what type of blogger are you striving to become?

Remember the choice is yours and “as you make your bed so shall you lie on it”
5 Types of Bloggers in the Blogosphere 5 Types of Bloggers in the Blogosphere Reviewed by Edwin Akwudolu on 4:06:00 PM Rating: 5

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