Just a vital piece of advice to all Adblock browser extension users!

Adblock extensions are browser extensions that are used by Webmasters to prevent what they consider as obtrusive or unwanted ads from displaying on their pages or visited pages.

The most common types of Adblock extensions available out there today are those for the Chrome and Firefox browsers.

There are many individual reasons why Webmasters will choose to use Adblocks extensions on their browsers; ranging from trying to block pop up ads, to wanting to block annoying ads, to blocking spam like ads, or just to prevent self-ads from displaying like that from Pay per Click ads networks that might be seen as self-generated invalid impressions which in turn could amount to penalties from the ads network providers etc.
Just a vital piece of advice to all Adblock browser extension users!

Now for those that mostly use Adblocks for the last reason mentioned above that is in preventing self-generated invalid impressions from your ads networks such as Google Adsense, Medianet, Addynamo etc. here is this vital piece of advice;

Always make sure that you use the Adblock extensions properly and solely for the intended purposes. For instance, with the Adblocks already installed on your browsers, you can choose to select or exclude particular pages to prevent ads from displaying and not necessary allowing it to block ads from every URL you visit.

Now since your major purpose of using it is to avoid invalid self-generated impression on your pages only, it is important you set it to prevent ads from displaying on your pages alone.

Then for those that always forgets to make use of this Adblock feature of blocking ads on only selected pages (personal pages) and often go ahead to allow it to prevent ads from displaying on every URL they visit, you should always endeavor to remember to disable the adblock when visiting other pages that you do not own…after all it can be done by just a click of the mouse.

You might be wondering why I am saying all these, but don’t worry, I will explain further.

First of all the truth is that not all ads are obtrusive in nature. Secondly, since the major purpose why you are making use of the Adblock is just to prevent self-generated invalid impressions on your pages only, which the need might arise as result of constant refreshment of your pages when redesigning or doing some underground work to personal pages.

Now the big question is this; if what we just described immediately above is your main reason for making use of Adblock extenstion, then why also prevents ads from displaying from every other visited URL?

Again, if you continue to prevent ads from displaying on all the URL that you visit, don’t you think that the aims of Ads network providers, advertisers and publishers will all be defeated?...No doubt that their aims will all be defeated in such condition.

Imagine a scenario where almost all Webmasters now decide to use Adblock extension to prevent  ads from displaying on all URL they visit….it will definitely not augur well to all the parties involved in the ad networks. I believe by now you must have pictured the outcome and all what I am driving at.

Finally, just make sure that you use Adblock extension properly by making sure you use it solely for the intended purposes, and always try to disable it when visiting other pages if your sole purpose of using it is to prevent self-generated invalid impressions on your own pages. 

By so doing you are creating a fair level playground for all the parties involved in the ads networks.
Just a vital piece of advice to all Adblock browser extension users! Just a vital piece of advice to all Adblock browser extension users! Reviewed by Edwin Akwudolu on 10:04:00 AM Rating: 5

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