A Nairalander Wants To Know Whether His Single SIM Phone Can Be Converted To Dual SIM

Nairaland is the largest online forum in Africa and those that own account and contribute to the Nairaland forum are commonly referred to as Nairalander.

And today, a Nairalander with the username “nyxcel” really wants to know if a single SIM phone can be converted to a dual SIM. That is to say the phone being converted from either a single micro SIM to dual micro SIM or single Nano SIM to dual Nano SIM and so on.

Some of the funny responds that he got over there was that his fellow Nairalanders were asking him if he was from China for trying to know whether his single SIM phone can be converted to dual SIM.

But come to think of it, that is a serious thought provoking question and if you think you have answer to that question or know where it is done, don’t hesitate to provide that for we are yet know where that is been done over here and have not seen anybody that have done that before.

The best we have seen or heard about is a dual SIM adapter that can be used to make a non permanent adjustment, in almost like manner that your multiple charger cord USB adapter does. 

But there is a Chinese proverb that goes like this “if you say it is impossible, then you should not disturb those doing it”.

So maybe truly in China you can easily find a place that single SIM phones are being converted to dual SIM, it might be all about total re-modification of hardware and software.
A Nairalander Wants To Know Whether His Single SIM Phone Can Be Converted To Dual SIM A Nairalander Wants To Know Whether His Single SIM Phone Can Be Converted To Dual SIM Reviewed by Edwin Akwudolu on 9:38:00 AM Rating: 5

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