The Major Features Of ATM Cards Explained For Online Transactions/Shopping

Well, you can decide to call this piece an introductory class for newbies on the major ATM features required for online shopping or other transactions.

But it is not uncommon to see people trying to use their ATM cards on the web for their first time online shopping experience, and on the process, when asked to put in their ATM card number or CVV code, they get totally confused and stare at their ATM cards helplessly and endlessly.

ATM Cards are Automated Teller Machine cards designed to be used on ATM transactions and also on Point Of Sale terminals, on the web for online transactions etc.

MasterCard, VISA Card, American Express Card, Verve Cards are all examples of ATM cards.

Now, how do you use ATM cards for online shopping?

ATM cards have features that can enable you carry out online transactions with ease and these features are what we are going to be discussing today.

The 3 major and conspicuous features on your ATM cards that you will need to provide for any form of online transactions are; Card Number, Expiry Date and CVV

Starting with the Card Number; the card number is that numbers that you see on the front of your ATM cards.

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The total number varies according to card types and other ramifications; in some cards you have it as 19 digits number while in others you see 16 digits and so on.

The second feature of ATM cards as mentioned above is the Expiry Date number.

Every ATM card comes with an expiration date that is also located on the front of the card just below the Card Number.

The Expiration Date number is mostly given in dual digits month and year format like 09/15 and with the digit on the left side of the slash representing the expiration month and that on the right standing for the expiration year.

The last feature of ATM card is the CVV; this is called the CVV code or 3 digits security code of the ATM card.

CVV stands for Card Verification Value. It is often required for addition security when carrying out transaction with your card.

The CVV unlike other features is located at the back of your ATM card and it is mostly the last 3 digits number at the back.

If you have more than 3 digits at the back of any ATM card, the CVV is usually the last 3 digits.

All these 3 features of ATM cards listed above are the things you will be required to supply before carrying out online transactions with your ATM cards.

Finally before we forget, we know that we have the ATM PIN that you will also need to provide, but the ATM PIN is not inscribed on the card but it is rather 4 digits personal PIN which we presume you already know and have.
The Major Features Of ATM Cards Explained For Online Transactions/Shopping The Major Features Of ATM Cards Explained For Online Transactions/Shopping Reviewed by Edwin Akwudolu on 10:21:00 AM Rating: 5

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