Nairaland Explore 1: Introduction to Nairaland and its different segments

In the coming days, we are going to be taking a tour into Nairaland and we have decided to term it Nairaland Explore as can be seen from the topic. 

We are going to be discussing Nairaland in 3 different perspectives in 3 different days and the topics will have the prefix as Nairaland Explore 1, Nairaland Explore 2 and Nairaland Explore 3 followed by the day’s topic of discussion.

We are starting right away with today’s topic and just as it suggests.

Nairaland no doubt is Nigerian brand, number 1 and most visited forum in the country having being operational since 2005 till date with Oluwaseun Osewa as the main brain behind the amiable forum.
Nairaland online forum

No doubt that the Nairaland online forum has come to stay and has turned itself into a force to reckon with not only in Nigeria, but the entire online community both home and abroad.

It has grew to the point where one begins to express doubt if there will ever be a Nigerian online forum again that can equal or surpass Nairaland achievement in terms of membership count, visits and activities taking place in the forum.

24-7 Nairaland is bubbling; volumes of different activities are always going on in the forum with members and guests interacting in different sections of the forum. 

Interesting threads on different topics are being created by members and comments keep pouring in volumes, people are learning different things from the interactive sessions and Nairland has even become the number one sources of latest and trending news for many.

With over a million registered members, one can really see that Nairaland community is indeed enormous. 

And just as any other online community it is important to note here that Nairaland operates with rules, and so it is very important that as you plan to use Nairaland, endeavor to read and abide by the rules of the forum so you can enjoy it to the fullest.

Having said all those things in the intro, now coming down to the different segments of Nairaland, visiting or landing on Nairaland takes you straight to the homepage just as any other website online, but Nairaland homepage is popularly regarded as front page which consist of 3 major Nairaland broad groupings or categories of Science/Technology, Entertainment and Nairaland/General. With each of these major groups containing different generic sub categories.

The front page also contains about 65 front page topics created by different members of the community, and these 65 front page topics are at that position as results of Nairaland moderators pushing them there after varying many parameters. 

The about 65 front page topics form the heart of Nairaland frontpage (homepage) almost centrally positioned and is the largest part of the homepage. 

For you to explore any of the topics or to get the content of each topic, you can just scan on the topic that interest you, then click on it to take you to the main contents, the creator (popularly known as OP which stands for original poster) and all the comments associated with the topic.

Some other notable features of Nairaland front page are the stats count of the numbers of registered members of the forum, the join Nairaland/Login/Trending/Recent/New links and at the bottom of the front page, you have members and guests online counter and also the usernames of members whose birthday is current.

This is what we have for you in our first topic on the Nairaland Explore segments that we will be treating in the coming days. So watch out for the next and the last interesting Nairaland segments discussion. 

Don’t afford to miss the remaining two especially if you are blogger looking forward to using Nairaland as decent source of blog traffic. Stay tuned, and if you have any contribution to make, kindly use the comment box below to do so for we will all appreciate it.
Nairaland Explore 1: Introduction to Nairaland and its different segments Nairaland Explore 1: Introduction to Nairaland and its different segments Reviewed by Edwin Akwudolu on 5:23:00 PM Rating: 5

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