How to leverage on your Airtel internet subscription to get the best price, data bundle and validity period for your money

Do not call me an economist with this one, lol but our mission has always been bent on bringing to our numerous visitors and readers the best info as far as technology is concern and not only that, you can always get what will make you happy here and even help you in saving cost to some extent. 

In this particular article, I want to show you ways you can leverage on your airtel internet data plan subscription in order for you to be able to get the best bargain for your money and your subscriptions. 

Leverage resources with airtel BIS
I am very sure that you will be happy after reading this, because I will show you with simple mathematics on how to achieve that. Without any delay, let kick start immediately.

Since I already presume that by now, we all know that airtel blackberry internet subscription is the only network that work on any device without any special configuration or 3rd party software and thereby making it the cheapest amongst other network in terms of surfing the internet.

If you want to see and know the affordable airtel BIS plans with their subscription codes, prices, data caps and validity period, you can always check all the affordable airtel blackberry subscription plans to see the plan that best suit your budget.

= => let start with the monthly plan, we have the monthly plan that goes for #1,200 and that offers you 1GB for a period of 1 month ( subscription for this can be done by sending BSM to 440 on a text message) – in this case, why not just look for additional #300 to make it #1,500 and go for the 2GB for 1 month plan (subscription code is *440*16#) because the difference between the 2GB and the previous 1GB is clear here, at this point, you have leveraged on data bundle by getting additional 1GB for that with additional #300 only.

You can even be very lucky and still get better leverage by always testing first for the eligibility of your Airtel SIM at no cost for the #1,500 package that offers you a whooping 4GB data for 2 months validity period. You can always confirm your SIM on how to determine the eligibility of your Airtel SIM for #1,500, 4GB for 2 months plan.

= => now let move on to the weekly and daily plans. 

Since the Airtel BIS weekly plan cost #525 for 7days and offer 400mb of data (subscription code for this is *440*17#) and we know the #100 plan for 1 day that offers 80mb (subscription code is *440*18#) and also the #200 plan for 3days that offer 240mb of data (subscription code for this is *440*018#), so instead of going for the weekly plan for #525, why not use #500 since you need something that will last for 7 days and subscribe in this manner; 

Subscribe first for the #200 plan that last for 3 days, having in mind that you will get 240mb for that, then after you have used it for the 3 days, you subscribe again immediately with another #200 , making it #400 now in addition to the first subscription, now you have another 3days period, making it 6days with another 240mb, totalling 480mb. After the 6 days, you can now complete the 7th day by subscribing with the remaining #100 for additional 80mb.

All together now for the 7 day period, you have now received and make use of the 560mb of data at a cost of #500 instead of losing about 160mb and #25 in your straight 1 week subscription that will offer you just 400mb at the cost of #525. At this point, you have been able to leverage both data bundle and money for the said 7 days period

= => for the daily subscription of #100 for 1 day that offers you 80mb of data and for the #200 plan that offers you 240mb of data for 3 days period, instead of going for the daily #100 plan, why not find a way and look for additional #100 and complete it #200 for the #200 subscription that will give you 240mb for 3 days. In this particular scenario, you will notice that you have succeeded in leveraging both data bundle and validity period.

Finally, remember I told you above that it the mathematics of getting the best service for your hard earned money that you will be receiving and that is why you saw a lot of numbers involved in the above explanation. 

If you are good in mathematics, then you shouldn’t have any problem understanding the above explanation, then if you are not that good in mathematics, you should as well not find it difficult to understand it because all the mathematics involved above are simple arithmetic involving subtraction and addition. If you still not understand the mathematics involved, then I suggest you go back to primary 1 and start all over again *wink*

How to leverage on your Airtel internet subscription to get the best price, data bundle and validity period for your money How to leverage on your Airtel internet subscription to get the best price, data bundle and validity period for your money Reviewed by Edwin Akwudolu on 8:25:00 AM Rating: 5


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