HTTPS Now Officially Available For Blogger Blog On Custom Domains, See How To Enable It

Google have been working tirelessly recently to improve the Blogger blog platforms to make it more flexible and in the area of security to make it even more secured.

In today’s World Wide Web, the importance of the secured version of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) that usually comes with the “S” attached as HTTPS cannot be overemphasized and there is no gainsaying that HTTS is now upon us and webmasters have been advised to now render their webpages on the more secure HTTS.

With HTTS, web visitors are more protected on the websites that they visit as HTTPS helps them to be sure that they reach the destination pages that they are trying to visit and not getting them directed to a malicious sites.

In addition to that, HTTPS ensures that web visitors information are secured and that attackers are not trying to snoop on their online activities, thereby keeping them safe from any potential loss of data and from the activities of those attackers.

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Sometimes last year, Google enabled the HTTPS protocol for Blogger blog users on the blogspot sub-domain but those on custom domain where left out. But ever since then, Google have continued to work on enabling HTTPS for all and blogger users on custom domain where even allowed to test HTTPS via Blogger Draft, the Blogger pilot platform.

But it seems Google have finally and fully developed the HTTPS for custom domain blogger users as they no longer need to switch to Blogger draft to enable the HTTPS on their sites.

To enable the HTTPS for Blogger customer domain, users should follow the easy steps below;

  Log into Blogger dashboard and select the blog that you want to enable HTTPS on

  On the left hand pane of the dashboard, select Settings>>Basic

  Go down to HTTPS availability and select Yes to the right of it

If you want your blog to redirect all your pages to HTTPS even when visitors type in HTTP, then still on the Settings>>Basic section, go under the HTTPS redirect and select Yes.

For those on Blogspot subdomain, Blogger have automatically enabled the HTTPS for them and they might need not to go through the process above.

Finally, it is worthy to note that Google is making plans later in the year to change how Chrome browser shows domains of sites entered on the address bar with HTTPS and those entered with HTTP, so it is now highly advisable to start rendering your sites on the HTTPS protocol in order to avoid any negative user experience when the new change later takes effect and also not forgetting that HTTPS pages are giving more preference on Google Search Engine Result Ranking.

HTTPS Now Officially Available For Blogger Blog On Custom Domains, See How To Enable It HTTPS Now Officially Available For Blogger Blog On Custom Domains, See How To Enable It Reviewed by Edwin Akwudolu on 6:33:00 PM Rating: 5

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